The Aftermarket group

The Aftermarket Group In November of 1996, the union of...
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The Aftermarket Group D Cylinder Portable Oxygen Shoulder Bag

The Aftermarket Group D Cylinder Portable Oxygen Shoulder Bag


The Aftermarket Group

In November of 1996, the union of the three companies identified below resulted in the introduction of “The Aftermarket Group.”

About The Aftermarket Group

The Aftermarket Group, Inc. manufactures medical equipment parts and accessories. The Company provides power, respiratory, wheelchair and bed parts, upholstery, rehab seating and positioning, sleep therapy, and related products.

Aftermarket Group serves customers in the United States. Since then, The Aftermarket Group has vowed to keep your life simple by offering the convenience of a single source for an extensive selection of competitively priced products from a wide range of manufacturers. TAG offers a complete inventory of HME replacement parts and supplies and is constantly adding new products.

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