First Response Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test - 2 Tests
First Response Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test Get peace of mind with two ways to test with the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test & Confirm Pack. This pack includes two...
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First Response Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test
Get peace of mind with two ways to test with the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test & Confirm Pack. This pack includes two early result pregnancy tests--1 regular and 1 digital--so you can test once and then retest to confirm the results. When you may be pregnant, the earlier you know, the better. Featuring First to Detect technology, the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test is sensitive enough to capture scant amounts of pregnancy hormones to give you results 6 days sooner than your missed period. [1] Early detection matters. [8] The first few weeks of pregnancy are critical to fetal development, so early prenatal care is important for healthy birth weight and the baby’s survival. The sooner you know you’re pregnant, the sooner you can begin making healthy pregnancy choices for yourself and your baby that include diet, nutrition, and limiting your exposure to hazards.
- Includes 2 early result pregnancy tests: 1 regular and 1 digital.
- No other brand tells you sooner.
- Over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period
- Detects all forms of the pregnancy hormone.
Q: How early can I take the First Response Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test after unprotected intercourse?
A: The test is most accurate when taken after you've missed your period, but it can provide results up to six days earlier.
Q: Are there any medications or medical conditions that might affect the test results?
A: Certain medications and medical conditions may affect the accuracy of the test. Consult your healthcare provider for concerns.
Q: Is it possible to get a false-positive result with the Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test?
A: While rare, false positives can occur due to factors like an expired test, evaporation lines, or certain medications. Confirm any positive result with a healthcare provider.
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