Dr. Cohen's

Dr. Cohen's Dr. Michael A. Cohen is a respected practicing...
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Dr. Cohen's Acuball Kit - Spiky Massage Ball (Discontinued)

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Dr. Cohen's Acuback

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Dr. Cohen's

Dr. Michael A. Cohen is a respected practicing Chiropractor & acupuncturist with 30 years of clinical experience, who continuously encourages patients to responsibly explore their self-healing abilities.

About Dr. Cohen's

Dr. Cohen is the acting Director of Workplace Health Services Inc. and an ongoing guest lecturer on Mind-Body healing research at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. He is consistently highly rated as an academic and corporate lecturer who believes we have significantly under-estimated our abilities to self-heal to the detriment of patients and health-care systems worldwide.

Dr. Cohen earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto majoring in Psychology and Philosophy, receiving his acupuncture diploma from Kalibowila hospital in Sri Lanka then completing his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Dr. Cohen has travelled extensively studying native healing techniques in over 30 countries firsthand from Argentina to Indonesia. He amalgamated this knowledge with his clinical experience to create the acu Products.