How To Fall Asleep Fast in 7 Easy Steps

How To Fall Asleep Fast in 7 Easy Steps
5 minute read

Learn how to fall asleep fast with these 7 simple steps. Whether you're a light sleeper or have trouble winding down, these strategies will help you get the rest your body needs to feel its best.

Are you wondering how to fall asleep fast?

Poor sleep quality is a significant problem in many people's lives. If you have ever found it impossible to get a good night's rest, then you probably envy those who can fall asleep in seconds.

You may even be wondering how it's possible for them...

The harsh truth is that some people just find it naturally easier to fall asleep quickly. For the rest of us who aren't as lucky, it is a daily struggle.

Don't lose hope, though. There are many things you can do to improve your sleep. Keep reading to learn how to fall asleep fast with these 7 simple tips.

How To Fall Asleep Fast in 7 Easy Steps

Here are a few tried and tested tips to help you fall asleep as soon as you hit the bed.

1. Make time for exercise during the day.

A sedentary lifestyle may not seem like it would affect your sleep. However, this couldn't be further from the truth.

It's important to know that regular exercise will help your body become tired and improve the quality of your sleep.

Additionally, exercising also releases the stress hormone (cortisol) and produces serotonin, the happy hormone which improves the level and quality of sleep.

By fitting in just 30 minutes a day of exercise, you'll find that you struggle far less to get some quality shut-eye.

2. Establish a consistent routine.

Setting a consistent time to wake up and sleep can help your body know when to stay alert and when it's time to rest. In turn, this helps your internal clock regulate properly and will help you create a healthy sleep pattern.

Though you may be tempted to sleep in on the weekends, know that this can make it harder to stick to your new routine.

Pro tip: Don't nap during the day because it throws off your internal clock, and your body will then stay alert at night.

3. Practice mindfulness every day.

A mindfulness practice can help you let go of your worries and have a better sleep at night. It allows you to focus on your senses and be more present during the day, which can help you relax more during the night.

This is a game-changer to all the over-thinkers out there as it helps your mind stay calm and fall asleep quicker.

Try practicing mindfulness before sleeping or after waking up and see how it changes your life and sleep!

mindfulness for sleep

4. Limit screen time before bed.

An hour before sleeping, make sure all your devices are off, and you don't have any source of light that strains your eyes. This will help your eyes adjust to the dark, making it easy for sleep to come naturally.

Additionally, you can try setting time limits on your phone, laptop, and TV to remind you to put the tech away and get ready for bed.

5. Try deep breathing exercises.

People who are anxious or stressed tend to hold their breath without even realizing it. This can increase tension in your body and get in the way of your sleeping pattern.

Before bed, try focusing on your breath and make sure you breathe deeply to help you slow down after a busy day. Concentrating on your breath will help keep your mind off other things so that you can fall asleep in minutes.

6. Take sleep supplements.

Did you know that your body can utilize specific vitamins and minerals to help you fall asleep faster?

Consider supplements such magnesium, which helps to prevent magnesium deficiency.

Please note that certain vitamins and supplements may not be right for you. Always read and follow the label and consult a healthcare professional for more information.

7. Invest in sleep aids.

If you've tried all the steps above and you're still puzzled about how to fall asleep fast, then you might want to consider sleep aids.

Here are some of the most popular and effective sleep aids:

Whether you start with 1 of the options above or all of them, we're confident that you'll notice a difference in your sleep quality.

The Bottom Line

Sleep is essential and should be treated as such by everyone. However, if all these methods still don't work, it's best to consult your doctor. They can help you determine a treatment plan that covers exactly how to fall asleep fast at night.

In the meantime, know that following these tips can change your sleep quality for life. We mean it!

Finally, don't forget to check out our full assortment of sleep aids here.

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