5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

5 minute read

Here are 5 simple ways to stay healthy while working from home this year!

For some, the idea of working from home conjures up visions of lazy mornings and plenty of time to do ‘your own thing.’ However, if you have been working from home for years, you would know that it comes with its pitfalls.

Whether you have been working from home before the COVID-19 pandemic or just started now, you may have noticed a slight difference in your health and energy levels.

Work could begin soon after you wake up and linger on till way past your last meal. There is no getting up from your desk and switching off for the day as you used to when you went into work. Late-night calls, early morning breakfast meetings, and shorter deadlines have come to stay. There is also no calling in late due to traffic congestions and no prolonged lunch breaks!

While it is essential to meet all your deadlines at work, you should not neglect your physical well-being. Thankfully, there are many work-from-home products designed to enhance your at-home office experience.

That said, here are 5 effective ways to stay healthy while you work from home.

5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

1. Support Your Back

Your office chair may have been ordered with ergonomics in mind, but your chair at home may not be ideal for long periods of sitting down. This can cause excess strain on your neck and back.

You could either get yourself a new chair or invest in back support that can be used on any chair at home. This is a simple solution that will go a long way to safeguarding your health.

2. Exercise While at Work

When you work from the office, you may have to walk up to the water cooler or even run upstairs to get to your meeting room. However, working from home limits such activities and your chance of getting some exercise. Likewise, it is harder to find time to work out, especially when you must get dinner ready as soon as your workday ends.

The best way to stay healthy is to get some exercise while you work. Many exercise peddlers can help you break a sweat while completing your daily work tasks. Best of all, these exercise peddlers can be used right under your desk!

3. Get Some Fresh Air

Sitting inside limits your time in nature and increases your exposure to indoor air pollutants. The lingering musty smell of the sofa or the constant time in the kitchen exposes you to many irritants that can impact your well-being. Not only does it affect your breathing, but it can make you feel sluggish and unable to complete your tasks on time.

To infuse a sense of energy into your system and improve the air you breathe in, get a desktop air filter. There are smart and easy-to-use versions that can be plugged in and placed on your desk. Now, every time you work furiously on your laptop, racing to finish the presentation, you will take in your much-needed breath of fresh air.

4. Invest in Better Lighting

Imagine this, you are working on an important project, and this chunk of work has you working late... Everyone at home is tired and wants the lights switched off. How do you type now? The keys on the keyboard are hard to look at under the brightness of only the laptop screen. What if you need to edit a document that you have carefully printed out?

It would help if you had a desk lamp that is bright enough to work efficiently without having to cringe on your eyes. One that also does not disturb your sleeping family. A good light will reduce the strain on your eyes and limit the number of mistakes you make!

Desk lamp


5. Get a Functional Table

 There may be a time when you need to finish a document while sitting down on the bed or recliner. It may seem criminal to get up at that point and find a workstation that does not hurt your back or eyes. What if there was a way to bring the desk to you, irrespective of where you wish to sit?

Thankfully, there are plenty of over-bed tables that can free you from working only from a particular space in your house. After all, working from home is all about breaking away from the office space's binds, not creating a similar workspace at home.

Closing Thoughts

These simple solutions will make the transition from working in an office to working from home as seamless as possible, while also keeping your health in mind.

While it is impossible to tear away from the constant pressures from office filtering into your personal space, leveraging smart gadgets will prevent your health from deteriorating. Though there may be more distractions while working from home, there are also many ways to stay healthy.

Finally, we hope you found this post helpful. Don't forget to check out all of our work from home products here!

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